Congratulations to Brandon Calkins on becoming a Private Pilot!

Congratulations Brandon on earning your Private Pilot’s License! Thank you for choosing Crosswinds Aviation to learn how to fly!

1 Comment.

  • My name is Teri, I need your help in locating Brandon Somerville. Mr Somerville as of Monday he’ll be wanted by the police. Mr Somerville stoled 340 dollars from a man just wanting to give his grandchildren a good Christmas. ( which he is raising on his own) Mr England lives on social Security and had saved all year long to buy this gift for the grandchildren for Christmas.
    Mr Somerville placed an add that Mr England replayed too Mr Somerville conned Mr. England and gave him a ps4 that was not new and in fact didn’t work all all. Mr England tried to get his money back. Mr Somerville blocked Mr England this was done before mr England picked up the ps4. So it was done fraudulently and intentionally. Not caring that he was going to destroy three little kids , innocent kids Christmas. Does Mr. Somerville realize that these kids are going to get up Christmas morning and have nothing under the tree.

    Mr Somerville stated he was part owner of crosswinds Aviation.
    So I beg you to get this message to Mr Somerville. Return the money to Mr England so he can get Christmas presents for his grandchildren.
    If Mr Somerville does not return the money by end of today. Mr England is going to the police and file charges against him Monday .
    Mr England is giving him a chance to do the right thing. This is far more than mr Somerville deserves.

    I also reported it to the Milford police. They are going to Mr England’s home Monday to take the report.

    Please I beg you get this message to him.
    These kids deserve to have a Christmas this is breaking my heart.
    I have posted Mr England s post every where and pray someone will help Mr England!!!!!

    Mr Somerville has a choice to give the money back and nothing happens or gets arrested and go to court and jail?
