Join your soaring friends and check out the brand new Stemme S12! We’ll have hot dogs, hamburgers with all the fixings & talk about the future of cross country soaring (and motor-gliding).
This Saturday May 20, 2017 starting at 4pm, at Crosswinds Aviation in Howell, MI
Feel free to pass along to friends who may also be interested. Crosswinds Aviation is looking to put a partnership together to add a Stemme to the Crosswinds Aviation flight line. This would allow a group of owners access to an amazing motorglider for their personal use, while Crosswinds Aviation would offer advanced cross country soaring training to offset ownership costs. If you are interested in ownership of this aircraft please email matt@www.crosswindsaviation.com.
About the Stemme S12: The Stemme family of German motor gliders ( noopener nofollow”>www.stemme.com) are generally considered the “state of the art” in terms motor glider performance and convenience. With its innovative folding propeller, retractable nose cone and easy to fold wings (allowing it to fit into a standard 40-foot T-hanger), the Stemme S10 has been the envy of all sailplane pilots for years. The Stemme’s innovative design offers more practical convenience than a traditional sailplane motor glider configuration. The Stemme’s bi-lateral landing gear/taildragger configuration provides for easy ground handling and taxi. When that convenience is combined with its exceptional soaring performance (50:1 glide ratio, or the same as modern racing sailplanes) there is simply no comparison. With the Stemme S-10, pilots enjoyed the best of both worlds…so to speak. Just this year, Stemme introduced its new S12 design. The S12 features longer wings (25-meter), higher performance, wider landing gear and numerous other improvements such as improved aerodynamics, flight balance, and instrumentation.
Stemme S12 Videos: